Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Stuff

Test, test, test – is this thing still on?

OK then, I'll try to rev all this back up again...for starters, here is more sage commentary from Bill Maher (here)...

...and kudos to Rep. Luis Gutierrez for parroting shooting down Bob Schieffer's inane, corporate media/GOP flavored talking points on immigration here (following up a bit on Maher's earlier segment)...

...and if Governor Bully had even a spec of dignity or integrity, he would just stop this idiotic charade of his in which he thinks he's actually a presidential candidate; of course, he has neither (the outrage in Rachel Maddow's voice is palpable and completely deserved)...

...and I had this tune in mind as I was negotiating the Garden State Parkway on our return from our blue state paradise – more on that later.

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