Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Wednesday Stuff

Rachel Maddow brings us a timely report to coincide with the 50th anniversary of LBJ’s War on Poverty (yes, mixed benefits overall, but it’s easy to brush the successes under the proverbial rug, particularly since we decided to give tax cuts to the rich over the last 30 years or so and turn our backs on the middle class – kudos to Timothy Noah for this, though…I’ll have to find out whether or not Marco Rubio took another big glass of FAIL in his speech today)…

…and I wonder if Governor Bully has a bridge he wants to sell to us (here...but oh, he's outraged - uh huh)…

…and given that this is the third anniversary of the Tucson gun massacre that took the life of nine-year-old Christina-Taylor Green, Federal Judge John Roll and four others, to say nothing of horribly wounding now-former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and other bystanders (more here), I thought it was appropriate to rerun this clip so wingnut Alan Gottlieb can be ridiculed once more…

…and there’s no message or correlation to anything with this video – just a great recent tune, so here it is.

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