Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Tuesday Stuff

I give you Trey Radel, the latest do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Republican (here)…

..and turning from a Repug who should go to one who will, I don’t know where Nia-Malika Henderson is getting this alleged “Dems only have a 1 percent chance of winning the U.S. House” bit from – yes, the odds are long, but they’re not hopeless. As far as I’m concerned, though, she’s largely a conservative apologist anyway, though she’s spot-on in her last comment about Boehner and the Teahadists (mainly, though, I wanted to hear what Sam Stein had to say).

As I said last night, I was definitely not a fan of Gerlach, but he knew how to win his district. I don’t know if he got sick of the Teahadists or not, but it would be truly naïve to expect this bunch not to try to field somebody to run for Gerlach’s seat (and the stuff about Lonegan running for Runyan’s spot in the House is truly comedy gold)…

…and speaking of comedy, I give you Jon Stewart (here)…

...and let's try to think warm, people, OK? (seriously, I didn't say anything about Annette Funicello when she passed last year, but far from taking a "woe is me" attitude for her MS affliction, she helped others too).

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