Thursday, January 09, 2014

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow makes a great point here about the whole Governor-Bully-and-the-GW-Bridge thing, though it’s probably unintentionally funny for me to include this hosanna to local newspaper reporting given what I say so often about the Bucks County Courier Times…not to bash the beat reporters, who are pretty good on balance, just the hilariously wingnutty Op-Ed page – oh, and by the way, I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Christie fluffer Matt Katz of the Inky since this broke.

(And by the way, she had a really interesting new theory tonight on “Bridge-Gate” – sorry, too easy…I’ll try to get the video for tomorrow)…

…and ZOMG! Some actual advocacy journalism from Ashleigh Banfield here, the person responsible for another courageous moment, let’s not forget (and yes, it’s true Christie hasn’t been directly linked to a damn thing, but none of this passes the smell test, mainly because it’s part of a pattern noted here, and here also)…

…and here’s more from Chris Hayes (I’m treating this just like the wingnuts would if it were one of us, by the way…all about him, all about him, as always...something tells me Governor Bully had better "lawyer up")…

…and happy birthday to Dave Matthews (can’t imagine why I’ve been thinking of this song all day :-).

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