Sunday, October 07, 2012

Sunday Stuff

(I also posted here about a local matter.)

So Mary Matalin thinks that Professor Krugman is a “liar,” huh? Why, because he backs up what he says with dumb stuff like, y’know, actual verifiable facts and data?...

(Also, concerning Bill Orally, I think the “Worst” citation is something to remember considering this.)

Oh, and in the “turnabout is fair play” department concerning Matalin, I give you this.

…also, my church did it again today, giving a (“wink, wink”) on-the-sly endorsement to the Repugs, taking a shot at President Obama; an offertory prayer intention was added for the president to “respect the life of the unborn,” plainly implying that Obama doesn’t (and the mass celebrant also warned us today about the supposedly grave threat of “human cloning”).

I’ve been attending Mass for very nearly half a century, and I’ve never heard such an intention offered for the President of the United States before.

So, this goes out to my parish which (“wink, wink”) isn’t supposed to (“wink, wink”) endorse a political candidate for the (“wink, wink”) Republican Party – heckuva job (may have to crank the volume a bit).

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