Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Stuff

Joe Biden responds to the latest "Governor Hottie" nonsense (18 more days of this from the Palin-McBush campaign)...

...I apologize for inflicting the idiocy of Michele Bachmann on you, but her garbage deserves a response, kind of a variation on what Palin said above (here; the way to respond to Bachmann is to help out her opponent here)...

Update 10/19/08: What a numbskull (below)...

Update 10/20/08: Over the weekend, Bachmann's opponent raised $640 K, as noted here. Awesome, people!

...this just blew me away; hat tips to Atrios and The Daily Kos...

..."Worst Persons" with K.O. (Bob Grant supposedly thinks Obama is trying to create an "O" flag - uh huh - Governor Palin's Secret Service detail comes up with an interesting new way to squash free speech, but former Senator Man-On-Dog takes the prize for tonight; God Little Ricky, "flag lapel pins"? That talking point is at least TWO YEARS OLD!!)...

...R.I.P. Levi Stubbs of The Four Tops ("Bernadette," cut off by a fraction of a second at the end)...

...Shinedown ("Second Chance," with clips of the show "Heroes")...

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