Update 1: If nothing else, I hope she at least gets a commemorative "Victor The Victory Elephant" (here).
Update 2: I thought this was a terrific post on Palin; her story reads a bit like an Elmore Leonard novel, IMHO (h/t The Daily Kos).
Update 3: A hat tip goes out to Editor and Publisher Online for jogging my memory about Palin's diatribe in the New York Times that I posted about here in which she defended global warming and said that the polar bears could all drown (paraphrasing, I'll admit).
Palin, g bush in drag, is a gun toting rightwingnut...McCain better not go hunting with her.
oops....I meant to say Palin: cheney in drag....
Apparently, Dubya is just ecstatic over the pick, so what does that tell you?
Yep, put an Alaskan mayor who was almost recalled and routinely fires city employees who “don’t support her” and get local yokel judges to go along with it “a heartbeat away,” as they say (which, given McBush’s age and what I believe are health issues his campaign is trying to hide, is truly a vital concern).
And by the way, just because I live in the “great 48,” it doesn’t mean I’m picking on Palin because he’s from Alaska (I’ve never been there, but I’ve often heard how beautiful it is even if it’s primarily run by Repugs except Mark Begich). I’m picking on her because she’s a little tin goddess whose ego is probably now inflated into the stratosphere even though she is grossly under qualified (“Dubya in drag” is about right).
And my sympathies go out to her for her child suffering from Down’s – I only hope we don’t have to look forward to cheap theatrics in that department, as it were.
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