Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Station Break

I really don’t have a lot to say here, but I only want to echo the comments of Atrios and others concerning the network coverage of the Democratic National Convention (here).

I haven’t watched as much of it as others, but if you really want to get an idea of what’s going on, watch CSPAN or PBS (maybe MSNBC, but even with K.O. as a moderating force for Tweety, they’re still prone to gaffes such as the Norah O’Donnell/McCaskill one noted by Atrios and Media Matters).

ABC, on the other hand, featured Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson yapping over the speech by Montana governor Brian Schweitzer last night, until they started to notice how good it was from the crowd reaction and decided to shut up for a little while.

This more or less continues what the networks did when John Kerry spoke four years ago when he ran for president; the film would show Kerry speaking and concluding to applause, while the networks spoke over his words (granted, Kerry is not Barack Obama, but let’s see if they continue this rude tactic as we edge closer to November).

So, long story short – to find out what’s happening, watch CSPAN and PBS on the T.V. (and keep checking to sites online for up-to-the-moment vids, even here if you would to put a smile on the face of a filthy, unkempt liberal blogger).

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