Monday, April 07, 2008

Monday Stuff

So what exactly does the world think of us (and I know I got into this already a bit here)? Glad you asked; think, "you-know-who is on the way out" as the main reason why...

...and it looks like "Big Shitpile," as Atrios calls it (hey, it's a direct quote, so it's OK) is doing the "Teutonic Twist" here...

...Paul Krugman discussed the food crisis a bit in his column today; here's more in this Reuters video...

...and though we continue to mourn the passing of Charlton Heston and reflect on his life and accomplishments (two fine tributes appeared in the New York Times appeared here and here today - and I already got into his political contradictions earlier, so I'll let that rest for now), I also noted earlier that Saturday was the birthday of Gregory Peck, who would have been 92, and here is the summation to the jury in his Oscar-winning portrayal of lawyer Atticus Finch in "To Kill A Mockingbird" (have to turn the volume up a bit; I read that a lot of this was filmed in one take).

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