Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Stuff

As I noted earlier in the post about "Straight Talk" McCain blowing off the “Compassion Forum” at Messiah College in Harrisburg this Sunday, I just can't imagine why he and "Pastor" John Hagee wouldn't want to participate... well as Rod Parsley, McCain's "spiritual guide"...

...oh, and by the way, when is he going to decide to support the new G.I. bill? (FINALLY an appropriate use for a song by Rick Astley)...

...and Barack Obama talks about the injustice of compensation for CEOs whose companies go in the tank, as well as what he's trying to do about that (the volume fades in and out a bit, but these are welcome words).

(And man, is Obama "talkin' my language" here; he's not quite correct about HRC and the Bankruptcy Bill though - she didn't vote for it, but she didn't vote against it either.)

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