Monday, April 14, 2008

Dubya's "Big Bang" For Benny

CNN tells us here that…

A crowd of up to 12,000 is due at the White House on Wednesday morning for (Pope Benedict XVI’s) official, pomp-filled arrival ceremony. It will feature the U.S. and Holy See anthems, a 21-gun salute, and the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. Both men will make remarks before their Oval Office meeting and a send-off for his popemobile down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Uh, excuse me for a second, Your Holiness:

This Wikipedia article tells us the following…

In the United States, the 21-gun salute is used for the President of the United States as well as visiting foreign Heads of State. A 21-gun salute is also fired at noon on Memorial Day to honor the nation's fallen.
And going back to CNN, we find out that…

The president explained the special treatment -- particularly the airport greeting.

"One, he speaks for millions. Two, he doesn't come as a politician; he comes as a man of faith," Bush told the EWTN Global Catholic Network in an interview aired Friday. He added that he wanted to honor Benedict's conviction that "there's right and wrong in life, that moral relativism has a danger of undermining the capacity to have more hopeful and free societies."
“Moral relativism,” huh? Somehow I’m sure that, were Jean-Paul Sartre still alive, he would refer to Dubya as a tas de merde (I’ll let you figure out the translation).

And Three, Dumbya, His Holiness is not a head of state, so a 21-gun salute happens to be inappropriate and thus demeans its solemnity; I’m particularly considering Memorial Day ceremonies here.

But of course, this is part and parcel of what President Stupid Head thinks of our veterans anyway, isn’t it (also considering this)?

Update 4/15/08: Try saying this in Boston, Your Holiness, instead of on a plane.


JohnW1141 said...

I wonder if Bush invited John Hagee to the Papal reception at the White House.

doomsy said...

Sure would be interesting if he did - would be a hell of a smackdown; maybe Benny could club Hagee with his mitre.

Anonymous said...

Why does CNN always try to demean the President. In there banners on TV they stated " Bush plays second fiddle to the Pope". Why does he have to play second fiddle. Yes. the Day was for the Pope and our President played as he should....a gracious host. CNN not embarasses our country by embarassing the Chinese people they embarass our country by a displaying such a blatant disrepect to our don't and shouldn't inject your own editorial and poltical bias into your reporting.....stick to telling the story...and nothing more.