Monday, August 27, 2007

Fredo Takes The Boat Ride

(Hat tip to BarbinMD at The Daily Kos for coming up with that one which I stole…).

Here’s the reaction from the John Edwards campaign (asking for more $ I know - do or do not what you think is best)…

Breaking news: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has finally heeded the will of people like you—and resigned.

You spoke out week after week, month after month—and now, the man who oversaw a political purge of U.S. Attorneys at the Justice Department, who approved torture techniques at Guantanamo Bay and who approved illegal spying on Americans has stepped down.

This is a victory for all of us—your calls for change, your energy and your passion helped make this happen.

But as pleased as we are to see Gonzales go, the fight is far from over. While Bush has named a temporary replacement, reports are coming in that he may try to permanently replace Gonzales with another crony from his administration—someone like Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

That's right—Bush may actually replace the man who brought us a political purge of U.S. Attorneys and illegal spying on Americans with the man who brought us the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

John Edwards knows America deserves better than crony out, crony in—and if Bush tries to replace one crony with another, John will lead the fight against their nomination just like he led the calls for Gonzales to resign more than five months ago.

We need your support in this fight—just like we needed your support in the fight against Gonzales. Support the campaign that is saying "no" to crony out, crony in—make a donation today.

Click here.

John knows that this ongoing debacle is only one example of how Washington is rigged for well-connected D.C. insiders and against everyone else.

We need big change to fix the way Washington D.C. works—and we won't create that kind of change through compromise and triangulation.

Earlier this summer, we asked you to sign a petition calling on Gonzales to resign—and over 45,000 of you responded.

Now, we need your support again. Gonzales is out—but another crony may be on their way in. Help John lead the fight against crony out, crony in at the Justice Department—make a contribution today.

Click here.

Thanks for all you do to support this campaign.


Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President
August 27, 2007

P.S. -- When John heard the news about Gonzales this morning, he said, "Better late than never."
Don't forget to send your own personalized goodbye note to Gonzales today.
And to learn more about the campaign, click here.

Update 8/28: mcjoan at The Daily Kos presents Gonzo's Greatest Hits here (and I have no problem with the Belknap precedent, by the way).

Update 8/30: I've been adding the "Back Talk" videos out of order - sorry about that. I've linked to #1 a few times, and #3 just appeared a day or so ago. This is #2 pertaining to Gonzales more than anything else, of course.

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