Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Typical "Enlightened" Winger Response

I know Casey Lee Cobb will want to know about this; just got this in my "in" box" (and once again, I got on this distribution list totally by accident)...

Dear Fellow Conservative:

Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis is leading a campaign to ban Rep. Ron Paul from future presidential debates, saying his conservative comments are “off the wall and out of whack.”

Do you agree? Disagree? We give you a chance to voice your opinion in the new poll on We’ll let the national media know how conservatives feel about this, so make sure your opinion is included by voting NOW!

While you’re on the site, be sure to read how “Another Republican leader betrays conservatives” and sign our petition to can him. If you’ve already signed our petition, that’s great but only the first step. Now get your friends to sign it!

See you and your friends at


Richard A. Viguerie
Suite 400
9625 Surveyor Court
Manassas, VA 20110
It's bad enough I provided this much information about Viguerie; if he thinks he's getting a link, he can kiss my ass.

After checking out Ron Paul a bit, I think he has interesting ideas particularly on our foreign policy and oil dependency and totally whacked ideas against a single payer health care system. However, his voice should be heard for as long as he remains a Republican presidential candidate.

And given his attempt to silence dissent in this way, I should pose this question directly to Viguerie: what country am I living in again?

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