Sunday, May 20, 2007

Abridged 'Inquirer' Columnists Today

Apologies to D-Mac for stealing his feature for now...

Trudy Rubin: Here goes another column about a world leader (Tony Blair) that will make Bush look even more illegitimate than he already is.

Dick Polman: Gee, I can't understand it; marital infidelity was such a big deal to the Republicans when Bill Clinton was president, but now with the presidential election coming up next year and all of that party's candidates "challenged" in that department (McCain, Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Newt if he declares - please do, Newt!), it's doesn't seem to be so important. Amazing.

Jonathan Last: And now, a hard-hitting expose on Limbo (dude, when I want to learn about theology, I go to church, OK?).

Mark Bowden: Yep, here goes another interesting, well-researched and "sourced" story that has no chance in hell of making the front page of the "Currents" section in this sorry excuse for a newspaper.

Michael Smerconish: DIE, MUMIA, DIE!!!

Actually, Smerky's latest rant today contained this interesting absurdity concerning the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner for which Abu-Jamal was convicted and sentenced to death...

In the intervening quarter-century (while Mumia Abu-Jamal has lived on death row during the appeals process), many Faulkner family members have passed without closure, due to a delay initiated by death-penalty opponents.
Let me state at the outset that I think Jamal should be dead by now. However, to categorically blame anyone who opposes the death penalty for this grotesque circumstance whereby Jamal continues to live and breathe is a typically absurd attitude on Smerky's part.

I'll tell you what, Smerky; since you profess to be such a moralistic, holier-than-thou arbiter of all that is supposedly right and wrong with our culture, why don't you communicate your latest balderdash to this great lady and let me know what happens, OK?

(Now you see the Comments link, now you don't - aaarrrggghhhh!!!!).