Monday, December 11, 2006

The Freeper Sob Fest Continues

My goodness, are some people in Bucks County distraught over the recent PA-08 congressional election! These literary gems appeared in the Courier Times this morning.

Patrick Murphy has not yet been sworn into office, but he lined up with the left or so-called progressive wing of the Democrat party in supporting Congressman John Murtha over Congressman Steny Hoyer for majority leader. (Hoyer won.)

Murphy told the Courier Times on Nov. 16 that he intended to cast a vote for Murtha, who also was backed by the new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This was criticized in the national media as Pelosi’s first blunder.

Congressman-elect Pat Murphy said he would vote for Murtha for majority leader because he is a Vietnam veteran and because Murtha was for troop withdrawal from Iraq. Finally, he called Murtha his political mentor: Blunder No. 2.

I recall the new congressman-elect repeated the Democrats’ battle cry about cleaning up the corruption in Washington, during his campaign. So his first vote for majority leader is the ethically challenged Congressman John Murtha?

While Murtha may have been on the fringe of the ABSCAM investigation 20 years ago and was never indicted, it is widely known that Murtha never met an earmark he didn’t love, especially ones that benefited his friends and supporters. And not too long ago, it was John Murtha who called the Democrats’ reform measures in the 109th Congress “crap” and voted against it (sic).

Our new congressman-elect bears watching. His inexperience is showing, as well as his allegiance. We all know Murphy was elected with the help of more than a few left-wing groups and yet he must have surprised them when he joined the moderate Blue Dog Democrats, who, incidentally, backed their guy for majority leader, Congressman Hoyer.

Nonetheless, Murphy stuck by Murtha and in so doing is showing that he is off on the wrong foot. If the congressman-elect wants to clean up Washington, he blundered, just like Pelosi.

Joseph W. Turner
Bristol Township

This letter comes with great sadness and disappointment as we, the citizens of Bucks County, have lost a strong ally and patriot in Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick.

As a former Marine and Iraq War Veteran, I was embarrassed that we did not re-send a man that has done more for the veterans, let alone the citizens, than any other congressman in my lifetime.

To those of you who voted “straight D” on Nov. 7, in an attempt to send a message to our president and the Republican Party, I am ashamed to be affiliated with a district of 80,000 strong veterans who would cast aside a man of integrity, a man of virtue and a man who truly has our best interests at heart because he is of the party that is not presently popular.

I guess the seven out of 10 (sic) bills posed by Fitzpatrick (?) that became laws were not enough. I guess the fact that he is one of, if not the most powerful freshman congressman in Washington, was not enough. I guess the three quarters of a million dollars he got to build the magnificent 9/11 memorial to honor Bucks County citizens who died in the attacks was not enough.

I guess the $25 million he secured for Bucks County was not enough. And, I guess all that he did for Richard Gresko to get him the Medal of Honor he so deserved for his actions one night in a place called Vietnam was not enough.

You have shown your true colors and your disregard for battles won in your favor. You have not only thrown the baby out with the bath water but the tub as well. Hopefully, the new congressman can live up to your unattainable standards of perfection because obviously a congressman who has worked tirelessly to better our county has not.

Mike Tierney
Upper Makefield
It amazes me sometimes to realize that these letters are written by people who allegedly are adults (I mean, it’s not as if I heard anything like this two years ago when Mikey defeated Ginny Schrader).

First, Turner lambasted “Pat” Murphy of the “Democrat” party for supporting John Murtha for majority leader (I swear, I cannot recall a time when Republicans cared more about the internal vote of the opposition party in Congress). Also, I don’t know if that quote attributed to Murtha is legitimate, and since the election is over, I’m not going to waste my time trying to source it; I’ll only add that if it is, it’s because the Democratic “compromise” on ethics reform ended up as a hopelessly watered down measure at the behest of the Repugs (and I wonder if Turner realizes that he’s contradicting himself in his own letter, pointing out how Murphy is beholden to those godless commie liberals even though he joined the Blue Dog Democrats – as I noted earlier, the jury is still out on that as far as I’m concerned, though I trust Patrick to do the right thing).

Second, Tierney’s letter (any relation to Brian, I wonder?) is right up there among the most sanctimonious pieces of garbage I’ve ever read in this newspaper (including his snotty reference to “a place called Vietnam”). If he feels so ashamed, then he should move and do us all a favor.

And I'm sure those transition meetings between Mikey and Patrick are taking place right on time with no issues whatsoever, right?


Anonymous said...

Great post, thanks. Don't know if you've seen these two short videos from Iraq yet or not, but both show the US Military engaging in some very dubious actions. I have them up on my site at ..You have to wonder what these soldiers were thinking when videotaping this stuff...

doomsy said...

I'll check it out as soon as I can - thanks.