Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Double Standard

The snarling, angry countenance of Mike Brown was all over the place online yesterday, with stories of him banging his hand on the table where he testified in response to a question/statement/speech from Rep. Christopher Shays of Connecticut (who actually isn’t bad for a Repug: I agree with the Democrats, however, who said that an independent commission should have been appointed for this…Dubya doesn’t like them, though – remember how hard he fought against the 9/11 commission with Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton? – since he’d rather see his party engage in pointless character assassination for the benefit of the media and then hope that people forget what the original issue was actually all about).

Brown also acted meek and cowed in response to a scolding from a Texas legislator (it makes me sick and disgusted to see anyone suck up to a Texas politician by the way, be they a Dem or Repug), though that was buried near the end of the stories I read about this. Likewise, Brown’s supposed self-righteous indignation was included in the banner headline in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer.

What a pity that he didn’t bring such determination and resolve to doing his job when it actually mattered.

On the other hand, you had to look for a link to this story of Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco testifying before the same congressional committee today. The link to this story appears under the “Special Coverage” banner on CNN’s site, and the tone of the story is completely different from the Brown story yesterday (though I’ll admit that Blanco didn’t engage in the same childish character assassination as Brown, only saying that Brown lied under oath, which is damning enough actually).

Oh, and speaking of Texas politicians, you can file this under “chickens coming home to roost,” at long last.

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