Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Happy 100th birthday to President Carter...yes, he had what I guess you could call a complicated presidency, but there were definitely high points as far as yours truly is concerned, such as the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaty and fully normalizing relations with China; on the minus side was inflation (which any president is limited in fighting, actually) and the Iran Hostage Crisis, with the latter two fully exploited by The Sainted Ronnie R in the 1980 presidential campaign...we should all be disgusted by the lies of Mango Mussolini, but our 40th president set that precedent in the ’80 campaign with all of his untruths, let’s not forget...and of course, Carter’s post-presidency is a model for all of us...

...and speaking of untruths, I have a feeling that the “mini-me” for Our Ochre Abomination will be dealing them fast and furiously tonight in the veep debate, as The Lincoln Project reminds us...

...and in keeping with a theme from the prior two clips, David Doel tells us about Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of CNN spreading the untruth that Dem U.S. House Rep Rashida Tlaib said that Michigan AG Dana Nessel was only prosecuting certain cases because Nessel is Jewish, which TLAIB NEVER FREAKING SAID! And yeah, the “both sides” BS is thick enough to cut with a knife here, because as we know, some campus protestors who may have chanted something impolite about Israel or used spray paint is exactly the same thing as cluster bombs and sniper fire from IDF murdering Gazans as far as our corporate media is concerned...and yeah, I would most definitely agree with Ta-Nehisi Coates also...and good for Doel to put this in the context of the ongoing settlement expansion and occupation...and yeah, it is indeed beyond pathetic to watch Jake Tapper try and weasel his way out of this in questioning Nessel...”well, didn’t YOU imply that about Tlaib and not MEEE??” (and sorry I’m a little late with this)...

...well, to hear something that’s actually true, Miss Beau reminds us that Kamala Harris received about 740 more national security endorsements from across the political spectrum – speaks volumes, I would say...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us about Blackrock: The Conspiracies You Don’t Know; the video also looks at State Street and Vanguard, the two other “big three” asset managers...this is a good video, but one thing that needs to be pointed out is that, yes, Vanguard does charge fees, but overwhelmingly, their success is driven by fund performance and shareholder returns, which is the vision of John Bogle, the company’s founder...and once more, offering stock options to executives as compensation used to be illegal, but it became legal under...all together now...The Sainted F*cking Ronnie R (here...though, to be fair, options have been also offered to employees as part of compensation, though at a greatly reduced amount)...that bar graph at about 8:08 does indeed tell the story...

...and Sam of The Majority Report tells us that it looks like independent U.S. Senate candidate Dan Osborn is doing well in Nebraska running against incumbent Repug Deb Fischer (and yes, that is a compelling ad)...Osborn isn’t a Dem for sure, but if he could get in and cut into the Repug U.S. senate minority, that would definitely be a win (more on the other U.S. Senate races is here)...

...and I have to tell you that there are some issues, people, personalities etc. that I admit to having a blind spot about, more or less, and maybe #1 on that list was Pete Rose, who signed with the Phillies for what seemed like a gazillion dollars way back when, and there was only one reason for that, and that was to win a World Series, which looked hopelessly out of reach for a roster of high-priced but talented players...there were certain constants growing up in these parts back in that era, and it was that the Phillies and Eagles would likely never win championships; it’s hard to put into words the joy that we felt when the Fightin’ Phils FINALLY won a Series in 1980, which became official when Tug McGraw struck out Willie Wilson immediately after the catch in this clip (easily my most memorable Rose moment)...the red pinstripe bunch doesn’t pull this off without #14; it’s that simple (the ESPN host offering Rose a tribute last night more or less said that Rose should be included in a discussion of the game’s greatest players, and I agree 150 percent...yes, Rose was wrong to gamble and lie about it, but I can think of athletes who have done far worse...just make a damn exception and let him into the HOF, OK?)...

Update 10/2/24: Apologies for failing to note the passing of this sports figure who wore the uni of the Sixers for a brief time; our basketball team traded for Dikembe Mutombo when the Allen Iverson-led Sixers were preparing to go against Shaq, Kobe and the Lakers in the NBA Finals in 2001...our guys did their best, but the Lakers were at their peak back then and they prevailed over the hometown bunch four games to one...Mutombo had the thoroughly unenviable task of going up against Shaq, and the former did his best against the latter, a courageous effort in a losing cause.

...and in addition to the 100th birthday of our 39th president, today also marks the 60th anniversary of the “free speech” movement on college campuses, begun by the arrest of former University of California at Berkeley graduate student Jack Weinberg as noted here (Will Bunch of The Philadelphia Inquirer has more here...here is a tune for the occasion).

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