Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Stuff

David Shuster of TYT informs us about Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence attacking Haitians in the town of Charleroi, PA...and a 2000 percent increase in the town’s Haitian population (and again, all there legally)? Uh, try 20%, Bronzer Boy, according to the town’s mayor...and yeah, I’d heard about the 30K lie total under his ruinous administration (including more here)...and I give Michael Shure so much credit for trying to reason with these MAGA life forms, which is becoming more and more of a hopeless endeavor, and good job by Shuster to present the actually sane point of view from residents of Charleroi...

...and Leeja Miller debunks more Repug BS on the economy; ”I’ll take grocery price gouging for 100, Alex”...more great work by the Groundwork Collective pointing out that about half of inflation was due to high corporate profits (from price gouging, I would argue) of the many great points in this video is the lack of antitrust enforcement since the presidency of The Sainted Ronnie R, though there have been exceptions from time to time, such as the Microsoft lawsuit under President Clinton (anybody else remember that?)...also didn’t know that the average CEO salary was 344 times higher than the average worker (something out of a Charles Dickens novel as far as yours truly is concerned)...and to me, it’s no surprise whatsoever that CEO compensation has gone up 1,209% from a time which pretty much coincides with the beginning of the ruinous conservative ascendancy under which we all also does a great job of pointing out how food is monopolized in this country...”only fifteen cents of every dollar spent on groceries goes to the people who grow the food”; if that isn’t an indictment of our monopolistic capitalism, I don’t know what is...she does a great job at around 14:40 to about 15:40 of explaining what a clusterf*ck of a system we have for producing our food and subsidizing farmers who need government assistance (i.e., help from you and me) to even survive...not surprised that about two-thirds of campaign donations from the food industry during 2020 went to Not Your Father’s Republican Party...also easy to see why Repugs HATE Lina Khan of the FTC, and yeah, look to More Perfect Union for more on Khan (and I’m also not surprised that stinkin’ Project 2025 is aimed at dismantling the FTC also...NSFW/H – she tries to bleep herself, but a couple of “F” bombs get by...that’s OK)...

...and David Pakman lets us know about Marjorie Train Wreck Greene’s boyfriend (ugh!) suggesting intimidating non-white voters; yeah, just keep repeating the word “caravan” to keep the wingnuts in full froth...”Hello, Department of Justice? Can somebody please wake up Merrick Garland and have him look into this?” (and by that I mean Brian Glenn’s propaganda)...

...and David Doel lets us know about diplomats walking out on “Bibi” and his UN speech, with the Israeli PM bringing his own cheering section – kind of an Orwellian touch, I must say...oh, and by the way, it should be noted that Netanyahu HAS EXPANDED HIS EFFORTS TO START WORLD WAR III INTO LEBANON!, as we learn about the apartment buildings getting leveled in Beirut...and I might as well go out on a bit of a limb here and note that, as far as the claim from “Bibi” that Hezbollah is putting rocket launchers in garages, how much do you want to bet that, about three weeks from now, the IDF will be confronted on this and they’ll just say, “yeah, well, it turned out that there were no rocket launchers in garages in Beirut,” and the New York Times will give that about 4 inches of column space on the bottom of page A14...and by the way, even though I side with Biden and the Dems of course, don’t think I’m overlooking the fact that “Bibi” is playing #46 for the biggest sucker on earth...and Jeet Heer may be right about Antony Blinken and others in the Biden cabinet, but he was quick to join in the OMIGOD BIDEN HAS TO DROP OUT NOW!! pile-on after the first debate, so he can “go scratch” as far as I’m concerned (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Desi Lydic of The Daily Show gives NYC Mayor Eric Adams the treatment he deserves here in light of his charges for bribery and campaign finance offenses...a truly appalling degree of corruption in NYC, starting with Adams...I guess it really is true about the fish rotting from the head down, as they say...looks like Istanbul was somehow a layover for every single pleasure junket he ever took – interesting...

...and RIP Kris Kristofferson, who served our country and also established himself as a balladeer for our times...he’ll always be a hero for yours truly for the way he once handled Toby Keith as noted here (here also...Kristofferson downplayed it when he was asked, but his widow confirmed that the incident took place).

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