Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

I neglected to point out the recent 2nd anniversary of the hellacious Dobbs decision from our theocrats in robes on the SCOTUS, but Rachel Maddow did so here with a report on how anti-choice efforts are getting punished at the polls...good! (Maddow speaks with Dem U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar)...

...and as long as we’re talking about The Supremes, I should give you this from Mike Figueredo in which we learn that this bunch has decided to take up the matter of banning gender affirming care for trans youth...sounds like this hinges on whether or not banning such care is tantamount to sex discrimination, which it plainly is IMO, and if so, it would trigger heightened protections...and yes, it needs to be mentioned once again that KIDS AREN’T GETTING FREAKING BOTTOM SURGERY!, and they’re only getting it at 18 after a lot of counseling (more here)...

...and related to another big story, you might say, David Doel provides commentary on the loss of Jamaal Bowman’s NY-16 U.S. House race to George Latimer yesterday...yes, this is deflating to be sure, but unfortunately it was pretty much expected (I thought this was a good take on what was going on, and the redistricting was a big factor also)...I’m going to go out on a very short limb here and predict that, if Latimer wins in the general, he won’t serve more than a single term; such will be the case of "buyer's remorse" (mildly NSFW/H)...

Update 6/27/24: More great stuff from kos here...and I can’t think of a word to describe how pathetic it is that Senate Dems allowed Josh “Running Man” Hawley to steal their thunder on the bill to cap credit card interest rates at 18% (which is still too damn high IMO...another “triumph” for Senate Democratic “Leader” Chuck Schumer)...I predict that, if Hawley wins re-election, he’ll sabotage his own legislation and kill this bill.

...and Robert Reich takes a pretty deep dive into why Our Treasonous Orange 34-Count-Convicted Felon-Awaiting-Sentencing is partnering with Christian Nationalists (maybe because #45 thinks they’re gullible saps, which they are...??)...

...and timed a bit for tomorrow night’s debate, Jesse Dollemore informs us that the Biden campaign has come up with a clip on the times when Our Ochre Abomination forgot what he was doing (a fitting response to those carping about “No Malarkey Joe” being some kind of a doddering old man...if I make it to 81, I hope I’ve got it going on like “Dark Brandon”) – yep, it’s always about projection with the wingnuts all right...I may have included this clip already, but I’ll do it again here, and I may do it again later...we’ll see (slightly NSFW/H)...

...and here's a seasonal selection to help us mellow out a bit, hopefully.

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