Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Thom Hartmann does a little “wingnut decoding” here and presents the truth behind “post-Constitutionalism” and what these corporatist a-holes mean, which to me is a variation on this Article V crap about trying to tear up that foundational document and enshrine something for the benefit only of the corpocracy...interesting to look at 1900 and how far we’ve come and other important history including Social Security and the Wagner Act (more here)...

...and if it’s a day in June with a “y” in it, then that means it’s time for another SCOTUS garbage decision, and this time it apparently hinges on the difference between a “bribe” and a “gratuity” as far as our theocrats in robes are concerned, and kudos to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson for cutting through all of this BS...Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats explains (more here)...

Update: And this tells us about today's horrific ruling.

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ brings us the story of AZ Repug Shelby Busch of Maricopa County threatening to lynch an election officer named Stephen Richer, who is also a Repug (after Busch sez she wants to run “a good Christian foundation campaign”...yeah, tell me another one, lady...and check out all those elderly boomer f*cks booing when Richer quite rightly says that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen...and I can say that b/c I’m an elderly boomer f*ck too :-)...and Busch is tied to the equally loony Kari Lake and an “election integrity” group, because of course she is...also, another Trumpist nut job, some “pastor” named Jeff Durbin, said that women who’ve had abortions should be executed, echoing similar garbage in “the land of the yellow rose” (here)...I wonder how shocked people like Durbin would be to find out this?...and yeah, it looks like one of Dementia J. Trump’s ruinous progeny thinks Daddy’s criminal convictions will be an election asset, or something – yeah, you go with that if it helps you, Uday; we’ll see what happens...

...well, in direct opposition to that nonsense, Farron Cousins lets us know that the criminal convictions for Bronzer Beelzebub are driving away voters (something to keep in mind for tonight’s debate)...and it looks like Nikki Haley is STILL getting 15-20% of the Repug primary vote even though she’s long gone as a candidate...imagine the corporate media caterwauling if this were, say, Biden running as a challenger with Bernie Sanders having dropped out but still bringing in 15-20%...but since it’s Trump, naaah, we don’t want to report on anything to handicap him since that hurts the “horserace” narrative...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 6/25/19, with something else to keep in mind for the debate...remember when Our Treasonous Orange Nightmare tried to sneak that citizenship question onto the 2020 census form in an effort to drive down minority voter participation? Uh was basically a scheme to ty and keep about 4 million POC from was overseen by Trumper Wilbur Ross, who was in charge of the census bureau and who lied in his testimony before Congress about it, and gerrymandering expert Thomas Hofeller had a hand in the question also...Trumpers John Gore and Mark Neuman were involved as well (more here)...the citizenship question was ultimately not included on the census form, but I’m sure it’s only because the scheme was found out (I’d sure like to see Mango Mussolini get called out for that tonight, but I won’t hold my breath)...

...and on this day in 1966, the Mothers of Invention (with Frank Zappa of course) released their debut album “Freak Out” including this tune...just trying to mix things up a bit here.

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