Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Retired Army Major Richard Ojeda brings us the news that a recent Fix Noise poll had President Biden up nationally vs. Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, believe it or not, with #45 losing what’s left of his mind over it...good news before the upcoming debate...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Truth Septic has lost about $2 billion of its value, with more losses to come, and it appears the only thing that will save this utter dog of an investment vehicle would be the disastrous circumstance of Our Ochre Abomination getting elected this fall...all the more reason to do all we can to prevent that...
...and just as a reminder, life forms such as the owner of this vehicle are some of the people we’re up against...

...and Combover Caligula recently announced that he wants to get rid of the income tax and put tariffs on EVERYTHING, apparently...when you have even Larry Summers coming out against you, then you know it’s time to “dial it back” a bit...Lawrence O’Donnell tells us about this in a spot where we also learn about Reed Smoot of Utah, voted by a state legislature to the U.S. Senate in 1902...also, Willis Hawley of Oregon in the House – these two knuckleheads (yes, both Republicans) got together on the Smoot-Hawley bill in 1930 to increase tariffs and plunge this country deeper into the Great Depression (a feat that, apparently, Bronzer Beelzebub wants to replicate)...

...and Emma of The Majority Report tells us about a report from Lester Holt of NBC News concerning a Michigan County jail which made some kind of a deal with a telecommunication company for video visits to make bank, apparently, and banning in-person visits, which is cruel and inhumane in and of itself, and apparently this monstrous practice is going on nation-wide (and of course, it doesn’t help one bit that the woman prisoner profiled apparently was trying to defend herself against an abusive partner, but ended up in the slam for it)...

...and Eric Gardner of More Perfect Union brings us the tale of a revolt brewing against ultra-wealthy sports team owners looking for tax breaks...I honestly didn’t know how bad of an owner John Fisher of the Athletics was – pretty eye-opening stuff about him not spending the dough to keep the club running...it sounds like the goal is to keep the club in Oakland, but for Fisher to not have any role whatsoever...and it appears that the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals are looking to move from Missouri to Kansas as noted here; no idea if there’s pushback on this from the existing fan base, but it wouldn’t surprise me...

...and it looks like Mike Campbell of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers is back with a new band and a great new tune...hope you enjoy.

Update: By the way, I know there are people out there celebrating the freedom of this guy. You can definitely leave me out of that group.

As far as I’m concerned, Julian Assange posed a threat to our military and intelligence assets, quite probably leading to the deaths of some in the latter group (here). He served the aims of Vlad the Butcher in contributing to destabilizing the U.S. and other governments, and, at the risk of rehashing the failures of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign in 2016, did his best to help install Combover Caligula to do Daddy Vlad’s bidding (and oh yeah, get 3 SCOTUS justices installed who killed Roe and have inflicted additional horrors and still-untold ones, to stay nothing of helping to saddle this country with a *president who utterly botched our response to a global pandemic).

Yes, Assange revealed abuses by our government and others as noted here. But he did so in the service of one of our country’s greatest threats, who continues to wage a bloody war in Ukraine with no end in sight.

(Oh, and OF COOOUURRRSE Assange's freedom is cheered on by Marjorie Traitor Greene.)

So let him slink off to Australia to spend the rest of his days on Fitzroy Island exploring the Giant Clam Farm, or something. Good riddance!

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