Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell tells us about Apple CEO Tim Cook speaking out against the 1/6 insurrection around the time it took place, but apparently all if forgiven since he took a lunch meeting with the Gropenfuhrer...let’s see now...principles? Democratic ideals? Naaah...I guess I have to Google that because Cook has no clue otherwise (and that also goes for The Mittster, “Cancun” Cruz, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao, and the other sorry life forms who rightly spoke out against Bronzer Beelzebub for the events of 1/6/21 but have since decided to cower in servile compliance instead)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report informs us of Sinclair pushing more BS about Biden’s mental fitness based on some mess from the Murdoch Street Journal (yet another reason not to waste one second of your life with local TV news, which is indeed unfortunate)...I knew Sinclair was terrible, but I didn’t know exactly how bad until I saw that mashup...I didn’t know whether to laugh or throw up in my mouth (NSFW/H)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report discusses a similar moment in a video clip edited to make it appear the Biden was wandering off and giving a thumbs up to no one in particular, when he very definitely was congratulating some parachutists instead (GREAT job by Sam to point out that all Israel is going to do by conducting mass slaughter is to hasten the next generation of terrorists)...

Update: When the Washington Examiner is the voice of reason, you're officially scraping the bottom of the barrel (here).

...and Bernie Sanders and UAW President Shawn Fain discuss Biden’s economic accomplishments on behalf of communities in need of assistance (as opposed to Our Treasonous Convicted Felon of a *president, who did nothing when he had the chance)...

...and turning to matters involving our Brit cousins, Jonathan Pie tells us that the laughably-named “reform” party, including Nigel Farage, may be outpacing the Tories in the upcoming UK elections (more here – definitely NSFW/H)...

...and the temperature is going to climb in these parts and elsewhere, so please be careful in the heat (keep fully hydrated and all that).

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