Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Stuff

Chris Hayes takes a look at the latest odious batch of Trumpers in this election cycle (Kari Lake in AZ of course, this Royce White clown in Minnesota, Mark “Keep Your Skirt Down” Robinson, Eric Hovde, Micah "I Talked To God" Beckwith, etc., also including Connecticut’s Dave McCormick running against Bob Casey)...great point by Hayes that only Our Ochre Abomination can really pull off the Trumpist act, and even THAT is debatable anymore (and apparently, Bronzer Beelzebub is coming to town - we should all act accordingly)...

...and David Pakman was included in the Hayes clip above pertaining to Royce White (and yeah, what a moron White is to act like, yeah, I spent campaign $$ at strip clubs, BUT IT WAS FOR FOOD YOU DUMB LIB) this video, Pakman gives us wingnuts cheering on a potential terror attack to make Biden look bad of course and help Mango Mussolini this fall...disgusting is one word for this all right...

...and Thom Hartmann brings us the totally unsurprising news that “the land of the yellow rose” wants women who have had abortions to be subject to the death penalty...yeah, I’d say the mask is completely off (he also points out other “pro-life” insanity in Repug-run locations, and the info about doctors not wanting to complete their residencies at hospitals in red states is telling also...says absolutely nothing good about health care access for women in those places...more from Hartmann is here)...

...and on the subject of reproductive health care, Beau tells us about 3 Dem U.S. Senators trying to get rid of the utterly wretched Comstock Act at long freaking last, since, in addition to mifepristone, our Philistines in robes could be using this ridiculous law to try to ban mailing birth control also (more here)...

...and Farron Cousins discusses Dems continuing to overperform in elections leading up to this November...we still have lots to do, including canvassing, phone banking, sending out postcards to voters, and a long way to go, but we need to keep making a difference as our time and means allows in order to help Dems since the other side is either batsh*t crazy, totally beholden to corporatist monsters, or both...

...and I knew the story of how Michael Schwerner befriended Robert Reich when they were both younger, with Schwerner of course being one of the 3 voting rights organizers who was murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi 60 years ago, and how Reich has stood up to bullies in his own way as a tribute to his friend...I’ve more or less said that this blog, such as it is, is my attempt to do the same thing – something in me kind of snapped long ago over all the triumphalist bullsh*t from Commander Codpiece and “Deadeye Dick,” and we should have no illusions at all that you can draw a line right from that to the MAGA crowd as far as I’m concerned...

...and in a week where an acting icon left us yesterday, I wanted to make sure to also note the passing of Anouk Aimee, who was all over the place in movies mainly in the ‘50s and ‘ appreciation follows...

...and apparently the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR is waiting until the last proverbial minute to sneak a bunch of potentially catastrophic rulings (more of them anyway) under the door (here) before they leave town and head for vacations paid for by corporate high rollers (in at least some cases)...with that in mind, I couldn’t help but think of this newer tune (the title anyway, not the "monkey" part...more here).

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