Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday Stuff

John of The Damage Report tells us about 13 million Southern Baptists opposing IVF, even though Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence said he’d support it...suuuuure he would (proving that these folks are the most enlightened minds of the 12th century)...

...and concerning another issue that a politician should keep his/her/etc. nose out of (bad sentence I know), David Doel presents a clip of news host Kyle Clark commendably holding Richard Holtorf’s feet to the proverbial fire on abortion...see, Holtorf opposes it for everyone else but he supported one for his girlfriend (Holtorf is one of 5 running in the CO-04 Repug primary, including Bo-Bo Boebert...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and on the subject of journos standing up to Repug BS, Jesse Dollemore discusses Boris Sanchez of CNN fact-checking Wisconsin U.S. House Rep Tom Tiffany over the latter’s “Biden crime family” BS (here)... Tiffany is an idiot, but I don’t think he was unwavering in his nonsense; as Dollemore says, if Tiffany had been on Fix Noise, OAN or Newsmax, he would have sounded convincing enough, sadly...and as far as the utterly absurd allegations about the Bidens and Burisma (the Ukraine prosecutor was canned because he WASN’T GOING AFTER corruption, not because the Bidens supposedly called him off when he WENT AFTER corruption), I give you this and this (all of which makes me recall this post – mildly NSFW/H)...

...and let’s not forget that, while the “party of Lincoln” is trying to distract with “values voter” BS over IVF and abortion, they’re also trying to block millions of workers from getting a pay raise, as Farron Cousins explains (and for more on Biden and the economy, I give you this)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report discusses coming up with their own flag inspired (if that’s the word) by Martha-Ann Alito (and as usual, Rashida Tlaib is spot-on, and nice job by Sam to clarify exactly what Harlan Crow is buying for Almost Silent Clarence Thomas...and yes, I’m also pissed at Schumer and Dick Durbin for not putting up a fight on Thomas and Alito, primarily)...

...and RIP Mark James, who wrote this hit for "The King" (and performed by Dwight Yoakam also).

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