Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

This may be a little “inside baseball,” but I’ll mention it anyway...when I put these posts together, I generally try to mix things up to try and keep them interesting (to me, anyway, which is the only audience I truly know for certain of course)...with that admittedly boring intro out of the way, I’m just letting you know that I’m leading off with Jesse Dollemore for the second day in a row, which I try not to do, but I think he totally killed it in this clip on the unbelievably cowardly censure of Dem U.S. House Rep Rashida Tlaib (and I’ll tell you straight up that I’m GENUINELY ANGRY that 22 alleged “Democrats” in the House supported this despicable act – the vote I mean of course). I believe Tlaib’s offense that could have potentially destroyed our republic as far as these cowards are concerned (and don’t worry, I’m not absolving the “party of Lincoln” either) was to utter the six words in the top pic of this post in defense of innocent Palestinians (and yes, overwhelmingly, they DON’T support Hamas, though Netanyahu’s destruction is forcing them in that direction). Well then, you can expect yours truly to introduce this phrase when appropriate in the future when it comes to honoring the rights of innocent Palestinians (and innocent Israelis).

By the way, doesn’t it always figure with our party? We overwhelmingly did great in the off-cycle elections yesterday (I think a couple of these “Moms for Liberty” nuts won in schoolboard contests in Nazareth, PA, but in not a lot of other places that I could see)...Andy Beshear won in Kentucky, the Ohio amendment in defense of abortion passed, Virginia’s state government is in the hands of Democrats (I guess that means that Glenn “Trumpkin” won’t be mentioned as a ’24 Repug prez candidate any more)...a lot of good stuff happened (also, closer to home, Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie were returned as Dem Bucks County, PA commissioners). Yes, Tate Reeves “won” in Mississippi because the voting machines in Jackson (a largely African American and Democratic area) somehow ran out of paperoopsie! – though that wasn’t an issue for Republican districts of course. Yes, there were plenty of positive developments...but now we have to deal with this madness too.

Update 11/10/23: In the matter of the recent elections, leave it to Former Senator Man-On-Dog to think that abortion somehow is "sexy" (here).

On a simple-human-decency level, censuring Tlaib is pointless performative cruelty. However, I’d like to point out another level in which this is ridiculously self-destructive.

Dem U.S. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan isn’t up for re-election until 2026, but I vividly remember his 2020 election against John James (to say nothing of Biden’s contest against Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Orange Pustule). The Peters campaign absolutely set a record for utterly browbeating yours truly NON FREAKING STOP for about EIGHT GODDAMN MONTHS with texts, Emails and phone calls. And yes, the election was close in Michigan, not just for Peters, but for Biden also. And I maintain that the margin of victory was provided by an utterly astronomical turnout in Detroit (something on the order of 90 percent as nearly as I can recall, which is truly unheard of, voting straight “D” up and down the ballot). And do you want to know who had a hell of a lot to do with that?

RASHIDA FREAKING TLAIB, YOU GODDAMN IDIOTS!!! And don't you think you'll need her to do something like that again this time a year from now? Especially with an open Dem seat?

I would ask that you keep all this in mind while you watch Jesse Dollemore’s great clip (and I agree that Jamie Raskin is about a thousand percent right also...also, Brad Schneider likes to text me for $$$, so he can officially f*ck all the way off now)...

Update: More on the elections are here, here and here.

...and sticking with the ongoing Israel/Gaza tragedy (and yes, an accounting needs to be made of everyone killed and taken hostage, and that goes for Palestinians as well as Israelis), Kyle Kulinski gives us his take here – I don’t completely buy Kyle’s argument that Biden is “plummeting in the polls” because of the Middle East (referencing that garbage Siena/NYT mess again)...yes, the Dems are going to have to find some way to press for a two-state solution and get serious about the Palestinians in a way in which “Bibi” utterly refuses, and I’ll admit that a lot of pro-Palestinian voices have been heard lately (which is just Democracy 101 as far as I’m concerned); I’m just asking that we keep this in perspective, that’s all...Kyle discusses Ryan Zinke who’s been busy recently (focused yesterday in that monuments bill business); today, he’s just trying to ban all Palestinians from the U.S., that’s all, which is illegal for probably six different reasons at least...Kyle kind of “jumps the shark” a bit by bringing up Japanese internment during WWII – yes, it was awful, but what’s the freaking point?...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that the re-election campaign for Bo-Bo Boebert in CO-03 is in chaos now because of that vaping/handsy business with her ex-boyfriend at the “Beetlejuice” concert...what a thoroughly stoo-pid way to set your career on fire, though it fits her profile of course (and to help her opponent, Dem Adam Frisch, click here)...

...and Francesca and Nina Turner of The Damage Report tells us that, apparently, Mr. “Mystery Money,” “MAGA Mike” Johnson, intends to pass CR after CR after CR, etc. to keep our government running (and of course they’re going to try their Dickensian BS and hope Big Stupid Head Matt Gaetz doesn’t file another motion to vacate...what a damn joke...and Turner is absolutely right about domestic spending)...

...and nice job by The Daily Show to give Johnson the spanking he deserves here (sorry – couldn’t resist...slightly NSFW/H)...

...and yeah, not much to see here - just a brand new tune from The Beatles, that's all :-).

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