Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

And here is today's voting guide...
To begin, Jesse Dollemore tells us of Steve Scalise not admitting to George Stephanopoulos that Biden won in ’20...and by the way, I’m tired of hearing the typical BS from Repug liars like Scalise that states didn’t follow the voting laws on their books, or whatever (makes me recall this post)...there were over 60 lawsuits at my last count about this stuff, and I’m pretty sure the only one that was successful in PA had to do with a handful of addresses on secret ballot envelopes WHICH DIDN’T AFFECT A DAMN THING IN THE OVERALL VOTE (and oh yeah, Combover Caligula keeps running his maw with demented utterances to verbally assault us)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen discuses “Mayor Pete” speaking with Stephen Colbert about Christo-fascist Mike Johnson attacking Buttigieg and gay/trans individuals in this country (and with all due respect to Cohen, something else that doomed Tom Emmer in his bid for House Speaker is that he supported certifying the 2020 election as noted here)...

...and in this clip from Crooks and Liars, former Trumpster and now Repug U.S. House Rep Ryan Zinke rose in support of a bill under the false belief that it only was intended to preserve monuments of our founding fathers, so of course Marjorie Traitor Greene jumped in to allege that Robert E. Lee founded our country (wrong answer, Marge!)...fortunately, Dem Rep Chellie Pingree politely set everybody straight (here)...


...and Farron Cousins tells us more about the exodus out of Flori-DUUH!, including 15 major insurance companies, and newly arrived Repug voters also departing as a result...not that I’m sympathetic to an insurance company, but just stating a fact (you couldn’t pay me enough money to move anywhere near “the sunshine state”)...

Update 11/10/23: Not even close to a fan of Vivek R. and I'd rather watch paint dry than any Repug candidates' debate, but I have to admit that this was one hell of a roast.

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report take a caller discussing the incredibly disappointing Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and her utter failure to support teachers in her district (WA-03...I have to admit that I had high hopes for her, especially since she won with comparatively little national Dem Party support, but it looks like her seat may get flipped because of what appears to be her Sinema-esque behavior)...

...and I haven’t made up my mind on this tune to be honest, but I have to admit that I like the harmonies, so here goes.

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