Monday, November 06, 2023

Monday Stuff

Leeja Miller gives us probably the best takedown of the Powell Memo I’ve yet seen, picking apart its weaselly and propagandistic language and faux-legalese...“equality feels like oppression when you’re the one benefitting from historical inequalities” indeed...once again, we owe a debt IMO to Jack Anderson for unearthing the Powell Memo in all of its infamy, though it was too late to keep Powell off the High Court of course... interesting that Chucky Koch disagreed with the Powell Memo, saying it didn’t go far enough and businesses weren’t committed to “free enterprise,” which is giving away the game a bit I’d say...good for Miller to mention Powell’s role in the Bellotti 1978 SCOTUS decision, though, to be fair, she should have also mentioned Buckley v. Valeo from ’76, along with Consolidated Edison and Central Hudson Gas & Electric, both in ‘80, which played roles in the “corporate money as speech” movement as well...also didn’t know that Powell hired, unknowingly apparently, more gay clerks than any other justice, including Paul Smith, who had a role in Lawrence v. Texas, which our current Taliban-esque High Court may yet demolish also...

...and Farron Cousins tells that, apparently, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao showed signs of life recently, leaping to the defense of the big money Repug donor class, his one and only constituency (who Powell was considering in his memo of course) day, he’s going to shed his mortal coil as will we all, and if I see that day, I’ll smile quietly to myself because he likely will earn a trip straight to Gehenna...and yes, I know, judge not lest ye be judged...and by the way, Brave Sir Josh Hawley’s alleged plan to get money out of politics is yet another “bait and switch,” but we knew that, right?...

...and David Pakman tells us about fellow Repug U.S. Senators turning on the quitter of a college football coach Tommy Tuberville...ABOUT FREAKING TIME!! And I understand that Willard Mitt Romney is trying to “split the baby” and not totally blame Tuberville, but I would submit that Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin has the right to dictate whatever policy he believes is important in his role as Defense Secretary; Austin isn’t the one supposedly out of line here...

...and Symone Sanders-Townsend of MSNBC looks at issues at stake in elections tomorrow in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and Mississippi (more on the Tate Reeves/Brett Favre stuff is here...and when it comes to Virginia, please don't forget this and this)...

Update: More on the importance of Virginia's elections tomorrow is here and here.

...and this More Perfect Union video discusses Why 30% of rural hospitals are closing...and I know you’ll be shocked..well, not find that The Sainted Ronnie R changed the formula of how Medicare reimbursed rural hospitals, which is a big factor leading to the closure of so many, along with the pigheadedness of Repug-run state governments in not expanding Medicaid, which is basically walking away from free federal money – and if 230K Mississippians are uninsured, imagine what the number is across the entire country...the clip also presents more information on why NO ONE should be suckered in by the utter scam of Medicare Advantage...more on the Save Rural Hospitals Act is here...

...and happy upcoming 80th birthday to the one and only Joni Mitchell.

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