Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about wage theft in this country; the Economic Policy Institute informs us that $50 billion is stolen from workers every year, including unpaid overtime, as well as the scam (noted in the clip) of forcing pizza delivery drivers to stock shelves as employees while still technically classifying them as contractors...that number dwarfs criminal offenses such as robbery ($500 million) and burglary ($3 billion) and surpassed all other types of theft in 2018 (NSFW/H)...

...and in the category of corporate criminals, Sam Seder of The Majority Report (no, not him) tells us about Jack Welch’s pernicious influence on climate reporting at NBC I believe (with author David many interesting points here about “Neutron Jack,” but one to me is how G.E. Capital was used to try and influence the earnings of the parent company by manipulating the price of the company’s stock – and yet another cautionary tale against rewarding executives with that type of compensation, a practice enabled by The Sainted Ronnie R that, prior to that, had been illegal and should remain so...and yes, drag Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek into this...”we are looking at decades of work ahead of us” to try and straighten out our economy and our political institutions indeed)...

...and turning from corporate to political idiocy, Jen Psaki tells us about all the individuals from the “party of Lincoln” taking credit for infrastructure-related and other spending who opposed it with every fiber of their wretched being while taking up space on Capitol Hill...

...and when it comes to politics to actually achieve a good ends, Kyle Kulinski tells us about Biden raising construction worker pay in essence, ensuring prevailing wage law is enforced, restoring the Davis-Bacon Act (from The American Prospect...yes, I know Clinton and Obama weren’t perfect by any means on the economy, though they got a lot right as far as I’m concerned, but for Kyle to automatically conflate them on this issue with The Sainted Ronnie R and the destruction Reagan waged on the middle class is beyond a joke – and I know Kyle is right on the policy, but I should point out that my cat has about the same chance of being elected president as Marianne Williamson)...


...however, as much as I’d like to, I cannot disregard the state of Flori-DUUH! and their assclown guv #DeathSantis for ignoring the various crises under his mind-numbingly idiotic “governance” (environmental, economic and public health-related), as Farron Cousins tells us...

...and RIP Tom Jones (no, not THAT Tom Jones); I’m referring to the co-author of the play “The Fantasticks,” which brought us this evergreen tune.

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