Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us that Kayleigh McEnany apparently didn’t bother to "vet" her lie about Hunter Biden and his dad, saying the Devon Archer testimony was broadcast when – oopsie! – it was BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!...example number 45,232 that that network thinks their viewers are idiots (more here)...

...and speaking of The Roger Ailes BS Factory (featured in the Majority Report clip), it looks like frat boy goon (in Kyle Kulinski’s completely correct analysis IMO) Jesse Watters called climate change a “psyop,”...God, are those “before” and “after” pics of Lahaina ever heartbreaking...

Update 8/17/23: And when it comes to "Mrs. Kyle," if you will, I would call this a truly boneheaded take (Biden approved a disaster declaration for the island almost immediately).

...and Mike Figueredo tells us that it looks like the Repug state chair of Flori-DUUH! is attacking families of LGBTQ people fleeing their hellhole of a state (and twisting himself into metaphorical knots trying to blame the “Democrat Party”) since it’s apparently becoming obvious that they’re losing $$$ from queer tourism, you might say...yep, once more, all these life forms understand is money (and hatred of “the other” of course)...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT bring us the story of Karen Lauritzen, who apparently was named Teacher of the Year last year in Idaho, who now plans to leave the state and move to Illinois because of wingnut outrage, due to Lauritzen basically recognizing that the U.N. actually exists and because she posted a picture of herself on social media with the apparently incendiary logo of “Love is Love” with a rainbow...yeah, I’m not hearing anything but wingnut stoo-pidity here either (Cenk really goes off, but I think he’s completely justified – I’d love to see somebody on the right push back against the crazies too, but naaah, that won’t happen, sadly...I’m a little leery of these two any more especially Ana to be honest, but I think they need to be given credit when they’re right...not exactly sure why Ana is so blasé in comparison, but I guess that’s her default setting now, if you will, for this stuff)...

...and this More Perfect Union video featuring labor author Steven Greenhouse discusses the “Joy Silk Doctrine”...sounds like this is kind of a back-door means to try and bring back the “card check” provision of the Employee Free Choice Act, which the wingnuts typically went bonkers over of course...”oh, this is so undemocratic! It takes away the right to vote!”...not really (under the EFCA, employees had a choice, hence the name), but it also takes away the “right” of employers to coerce employees into not unionizing, as Greenhouse explains...

...and I need to catch up on my summer tunes a bit, including this one.

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