Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thursday Stuff

This report from Mrs. Greenspan tells us of the “mayor of 9/11” getting his apartment raided by the Feds, including cellphones and computers, as part of an ongoing probe into his business activities...hopefully we’ll see Rudy getting the “perp walk” treatment (wonder if he was hiding at Four Seasons Total Landscaping...with Michael Schmidt of the New York Times)...

...and I thought this was a nice clip from President Biden’s speech last night, which of course met with the typical conservative garbage in response (here also...“grow the economy from the bottom and the middle out” indeed)...

...and working off Biden’s theme about the IRS going after the usual suspects when it comes to owing tax revenue, I give you this from Ana and Wosny Lambre – I honestly don’t know how much the IRS’s funding was or wasn’t hurt by the sequester, but on the other hand, if most of our corporate media wasn’t busy chasing click bait and doing their jobs of ACTUAL REPORTING instead, then maybe we would know – and I know the answer, but I have to ask the question anyway...where the hell are all of these “fiscal conservatives” in this argument? You know...Republicans who normally are such penny pinchers if it doesn’t involve bloated military spending or tax cuts...I guess they’re just going to look the other way on what a great return on investment it is to fund the IRS so it can do the job it was intended to do...

...and Joy Reid gives us some important historical context on the recent anti-protesting legislation signed into law by FL Repug Guv Ron #DeathSantis (more here and here, along with comparisons to George Wallace and FL Sheriff Walter Headley – and “Don’t register to vote and vote the stupid way they did up north,” huh? Go feed in your trough, you pig)...and that ridiculous quote about systemic racism allegedly not existing came from Huckleberry Graham of course...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “The Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 4/28/17, in which Keith Olbermann told us about “the first 100 days” of the Gropenfuhrer’s ruinous reign (and as a compare-and-contrast exercise, I give you this)...

..and happy 74th brithday to the leader of Tommy James and the Shondells.

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