Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

I think everyone in this country should review the events of 1/6 once a week, at a minimum, so it’s crystal clear who was responsible and we never, ever forget it, and I think this video is helpful for that purpose (“You do have hope,” huh? Yeah, well, WE have hope too...that you’ll spend the rest of your miserable, wretched life behind bars – related content is here and here)...

...and with Repug nonsense in mind, Rachel Maddow tells us about all of their made-up scandals, in lieu of actual governance and working with the Dems to improve this country for the vast majority of Americans (and Laura Italiano is a heroine in my book, especially for quitting in a profession that’s shedding jobs)...

...and when it comes to self-inflicted, made-up nonsense, it’s hard to top this from Alaska state senator Lora Reinbold, who was banned from flying because she wouldn’t wear a mask, which is a bit of an issue given how big that state is, and now Reinbold has some absolutely insane commuting to do (taking her cue from Tucker Carlson, no doubt)...

...and speaking of The Swanson TV Dinner Heir, David Pakman provides a pretty thorough rebuttal to Carlson’s latest nonsense (and “Tony” Fauci? Also, I KEEP A MASK HANDY WHEN I'M OUTSIDE and I’ve had both my shots – as to whether I’m a “zealot” or a “neurotic” – well, I’ll leave that up to you, dear reader :-)...

...and David Doel gives us another example of Cops Behaving Badly, this time, in the Kubrickian-titled city of Loveland, CO, laughing over arresting - and apparently injuring - at 73-year-old woman with dementia for not paying a $13 tab at Walmart (the date of this footage was last June – why on earth are we just finding out about it now? ”The issue is not training. The issue is the culture.”...I wish to God I could disagree with that, but I can’t see how)...

...and Thom Hartmann asks why can’t Americans have nice things? And yes, I agree with the vast majority of Thom’s commentary, but as much as I hate to admit, Bill Clinton is partly responsible for NAFTA too (and me as well, for a time – I guess I was a rube once also, because although my better judgment told me it was wrong, I went along with it too)...

...and Robert Reich reminds us that the window on passing the “For The People” act is closing, and it’s pretty damn plain it won’t get passed without nuking the filibuster, which of course Senator Hardball in West Virginia and Ms. F-Off Ring in Arizona apparently are not going to allow (leave it to the U.S. Senate Dems to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory)...

... and here’s a spacy and relatively new springtime tune – consider it a near-end-of-April meditation if you will.

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