Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

I thought David Pakman did a really good job here of dissecting the rantings of this Newsmax clown about “liberal cancel culture,” which of course is yet another diversion from the COVID relief bill that is FINALLY nearing completion, as well as HR1 to secure voting rights (getting worked on, I hasten to emphasize...will likely have a harder path in the "lege" than the COVID bill with the filibuster in place); once again, the COVID bill isn’t perfect, but kudos to the Dems for getting this done with ZERO REPUBLICAN HELP (and as we get closer to elections, I think we should get ready for a whole lot of this)...

...which is part and parcel of this, as Farron Cousins explains... what ARE Republicans doing instead, aside from the whole “cancel culture” schtick? Well, Madison Cawthorn made a video of beating up a tree, presumably to “own the libs,” as John and Dr. Aqualus Gordon tell us (yeah, I think "performance art" covers a lot of this)...

...and while what Cawthorn did was stoo-pid, at least it wasn’t as offensively racist as what his same-party playmate Glenn Grothman said here (and kudos to Dem Rep Stacey Plaskett for giving Grothman the treatment he deserves...and because we're talking about The Comcast Network in this clip, Grothman wasn't called out for being the ignorant fathead that he is)...

...and returning to HR1, Robert Reich tells us that voting rights in this country are facing the biggest threat from Republican state legislatures since Jim Crow (no wonder they’re trying so hard to distract us...and Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema quite rightly get called out here also; I'd love to see Biden take a page out of LBJ's book too, but we're talking about two completely different eras and two completely different personalities)...

...and as noted here, today marks the 145th anniversary of what was basically the first phone call, with A.G. Bell allegedly saying “Watson, I want you” or whatever it was – good luck trying to zero in on a tune with all of the songs about telephones, but I settled on this one.

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