Saturday, March 13, 2021

Saturday Stuff

I’ve got a couple of admittedly boring “hot takes” related to race that I feel like sharing; I crave your indulgence on this for a couple of minutes.

The first is that, even though I honestly tried to avoid all of the Harry/Meghan/Oprah stuff, I did manage to figure out what the controversy is all about (namely, that one or more people in the British royal family made a remark about what the skin color would be of the baby Meghan Markle was expecting). Well, here’s the way I look at this. Yeah, a remark like that is stupid and idiotic, but you keep that stuff under your roof and don’t go blabbing to the media about it, especially to Oprah Winfrey. And from what I hear, the “skin color” stuff came from Kate Middleton and Prince Philip. I honestly don’t believe that came from Kate Middleton because I think she’s smart and savvy enough to know not to say that; she may also have the kind of character as a person to know a remark like that is awful. Do I believe it coming from Prince Philip? Yeah, I do. But when I saw some brief highlights of the Oprah Winfrey interview, I thought the body language of the three of them communicated a lot. Namely, I think there’s a hell of a lot of baggage Harry is carrying around (probably from what happened with his mom and the media exploitation, which makes all of this a bit ironic), and I hope he gets help with that. And Meghan Markle sat there acting like she owned the joint, you might say. She, with Winfrey’s willing help of course, helped to create and exploit a situation to make her look like the victim, which I guess she is to some degree (to the point where, if you criticize her in any way, there will be a thousand social media posts appearing right away with the title of “I support Meghan Markle because I had the same situation, blah blah blah”...or, someone might say, “You’re as crazy as Piers Morgan,” which I definitely don’t believe is true). Basically, I think Meghan Markle is playing a game of 10-dimensional chess when it comes to owning the media narrative on this, and the Royal Family are still playing checkers by comparison.

The second has to do with remarks from that disgusting U.S. Senatorial mistake Ron Johnson of Wisconsin; he recently said on a Zoom meeting call that he felt safe during the 1/6 insurrection because the overwhelming majority of the protestors were white weren't Antifa and supposedly "love this country" (here - just a bit of "code language" here). Even though the bar is already incredibly low here since we’re talking about RoJo, I think he should apologize for that not just to the entire U.S. Congress as well as not just the constituents he allegedly represents in Wisconsin, but the entire country.

Now to the main stuff...Thom Hartmann tells us about the “Texas Taliban” trying to regulate women’s health (and by the way, women who miscarry may be prosecuted El Salvador as noted here...Nail. Hammer. Head on Thom’s remarks at the end)...

...and once again, what is the “party of Lincoln” focused on aside from controlling women’s health care? Why, making it harder to vote of course...

...oh, and also, those U.S. House lunatics of that party are losing what’s left of their minds over common sense gun legislation (David Pakman explains)...

...but they NEVER lose sight of fealty to their “dear leader” in exile, as Rachel Maddow explains...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History,” and again, we’re only going back a year to 3/13/20 (Kyle Kulinski tells us what Trish Regan and the late but not lamented Flush Limbore said about COVID-19, which started blowing up as a public health calamity despite that...I don’t know if Trish Regan was the nuttiest of the lot, and that’s saying something for that network of crazies, but I DO know that she disappeared from the air soon after she uttered these words...and it wouldn’t be a Kyle video without de facto “both sidesism” between the “R” and “D” parties of course)...

...and speaking of anniversaries, yesterday marked the 18th of the (formerly) Dixie Chicks and Natalie Maines saying that they were ashamed that Dubya was from Texas (re, 43’s Not So Excellent Adventure in Iraq - here), and for that, they were roundly criticized, including by the likes of Toby Keith, who, as far as I know, has never apologized for it...I know this isn’t an original observation, but anyone who thinks “Trumpism” is anything but the rebranded version of the latest stoo-pid Republicanism hasn’t learned history...really, ever since Nixon (but accelerated under The Sainted Ronnie R), then to Dubya, the Teahadists and Combover Caligula, it’s all been the same utterly debased downward trajectory in our politics from about 30-40 percent of this country to varying degrees...and yeah, this tune is probably a bit of a response to the Thom Hartmann video also (not to Thom, I wish to emphasize).

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