Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday Stuff

This Now This clip tells us about the Boston cop making jokes about driving his police cruiser into a crowd of protestors during the George Floyd protests last summer (he forgot another cop had a body camera running – just say “oops” and get out)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about Mango Mussolini’s Twitter spat with “Grim Reaper” McConnell...

...and this Rachel Maddow clip from last night gives us a pretty nightmarish scenario of what could happen if Our Treasonous Orange Pustule in An Oval Office decides to do absolutely nothing about the latest COVID relief package and a potential government shutdown...I’m not at all sure that anybody will have “visions of sugar plumbs danc(ing) in their heads” after watching this...

...and this clip tells us that, apparently, David Perdue plans to hide out in his mansion for the holiday, being the typical corrupt fraud that he is (to help Jon Ossoff running against him, as well as Raphael Warnock vs. the equally awful Kelly Loeffler, click here)...

...and we're nearing the end of the seasonal selections, I know, since the big day is almost here.

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