Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday Stuff

I think we’re starting to find out what will happen with the end of the $600-a-week credit for those who are unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as John I. and Michael Shure tell us here…and as always for the “party of Lincoln,” the cruelty is the point…an extra $100 as opposed to $600? Really? And of course, trying to raid Social Security and Medicare again, as noted here

…and when it looks like there’s a potential for some help beyond the “pay no price, bear no burden” bunch, you can always count on a Repug to start caterwauling about the deficit and the debt, as Mike Enzi does here, which is particularly cowardly on Enzi’s part since he’s leaving the U.S. Senate and, at this point, is trying to come up with as soft a landing for himself as possible, probably somewhere on K Street (i.e., as a lobbyist)…

…and I’m sure a good part of the world is watching this clip with horror (seriously, what else could we have expected from the Gropenfuhrer?), but other countries are watching this and laughing their asses off at us…after decades of politicizing EVERYTHING into ridiculous left vs. right shouting matches, who seriously thought we’d be able to abandon that idiocy when faced with a genuine catastrophe?...

…and Ana and Cenk of TYT give us their take on the Biden decision to let former Repug Ohio governor John Kasich speak at the DNC…I have to admit that this is a smarter take than I thought, not that I’m surprised by a smart take from Cenk and Ana I wish to emphasize…yeah, the proof will be in terms of other speakers, policies, platform, etc. and how much room there is for actual progressives, and C&A are both dead-on about that – easy to forget Kasich’s own wingnut tendencies, but in an electoral climate like this, when someone even remotely moderate on the other side offers help, you take it, especially from an electorally critical state like Ohio…

…and here is more evidence that Fix Noise is “destroying Republican brains,” as Farron Cousins puts it – his disgust here is palpable, and for good reason as far as I’m concerned…

...and RIP Peter Green, a founding member of Fleetwood Mac.

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