Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday Stuff

Sam Seder talks about a guy having a meltdown for getting thrown out of Costco for not wearing a mask…NSFW/H – and apparently, he called Sam about it later; I’ll give him points for that, even though he’s a totally selfish idiot…

…and Kyle discussed a recent CNN commentary by Fareed Zakaria – I have a slight disagreement with Kyle on the financial well being of the 2.0 Teahadists protesting shelter-in-place requirements…yes, many are in comparatively lower wage jobs, but a hell of a lot of them are playing dress up to egg on the “rabble”…but other than that, I think Kyle and Zakaria’s commentaries here are pretty good, and boy, does Kyle make a GREAT point at the end about media coverage of left wing protests vs. right wing protests…I think it’s because our media geniuses are afraid of being called “liberal” for some reason, probably having to do with what they fear would be a loss of subscriber revenue (and yes, once in a while, Zakaria finds the proverbial nut, and he does here)…

…and I honestly didn’t know about this until a day or so ago, but apparently Mango Mussolini has a plaque at one of his golf courses commemorating an alleged Civil War battle that never happened (more herefigures)…

…and comedian (and proud New Yorker) Vic Dibitetto gives Sen Mr. Elaine Chao the treatment he deserves here (to do something about Sen. McTurtle AT LONG LAST, click here, here and/or here)…

…and in the spirit of the holiday, I offer the following selections.

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