Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Stuff

I get impatient with Fareed Zakaria of CNN since I think he dances across that pundit line between intelligence and idiocy with disturbing frequency, but I have to admit that he absolutely nailed it here on the matter of U.S. defense spending, as Kyle K. tells us (Kyle gets points for mentioning Smedley Butler, but he loses those points for also mentioning that fool Jimmy Dore)…

…and this clip is about a week old, but I think it’s still noteworthy unfortunately…Rachel Maddow tells us about a three-year-old forced to choose which parent to stay with, her father or mother, and yeah, this has to do with the border atrocities again (makes me recall the climactic scene of this a bit) – the family was ultimately allowed to stay in the U.S., but the medical circumstance on the part of one of the parents (heart surgery apparently) should have precluded any discussion about separation, and Maddow's report also notes the religious protests…oh, but please tell me again, New York Times and MSNBC, how Trump “won” the Mueller hearing and how it was a supposedly a great day for the GOP…we have a “president” who is completely and utterly compromised by a foreign hostile power – what planet do you people live on? And oh yes, “Old Gray Lady,” how I so crave your “Trump Voter In Trump Country” profiles (here) – definitely being sarcastic...

…and I would say that this is a completely apt wingnut response to the prior clip, unfortunately, from Sam Seder and the “Majority Report” crew…I think Sam is completely spot-on with his “wingnut self-help” theory…kind of scares me how well I know people like the ones profiled in this clip – not passing judgement of course since, as people, they’re no better or worse than I, but my God, are they brainwashed and misinformed!

…and Ana and the TYT folks tell us about Daniel Leonard of Toms River, NJ, whose life apparently would be fulfilled if freshman Dem U.S. House Rep Rashida Tlaib were to be killed – oh, and for good measure, let’s make fun of Ilhan Omar again; if something is medically wrong with Leonard, then I hope he gets the help he needs, but as far as I’m concerned, he should be removed from his position on the school board and face prosecution for this…

..and speaking of Omar, I give you this in the annals of Repugs Behaving Badly, Part The Infinity as Charlie Pierce might say; this has to do with someone who has declared to run against the freshman Dem U.S. House rep (again, as with Leonard, if this person needs medical help, I hope she gets it, but if you have these anxiety issues, why would you even dream of a job in public life?)…

…and it looks like Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films have done it again, this time with a feature on voter disenfranchisement in Georgia; I’m old enough to recall the days when we would complain at the U.N. if third-world countries or even industrialized nations would pull crap like this…

…and wow, this sure is some Grade A snark aimed at someone in public life who deserves it by the truck load (and to help Sara Gideon, vying to be the Dem challenger against Susan Collins, please click here)…

…and I don’t know if all of this means that “moderation” is the watch word for the day or not, but I do know that this is a cool tune, so here it is.

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