Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Stuff

I don't know who has or hasn't read the redacted Mueller Report (I can say that I haven't - yet - though it's not like I'm on the fence concerning Generalissimo Trump's involvement with the Russians either), but I think this is some important information related to that; all the same, this video needs to be viewed far and wide...

…and here’s another clip that I definitely think deserves a mass distribution (more info is here)…

…and in a related story as they say, this Trump-ette lawyer appears to be arguing that detained kids don’t need toothpaste and soap in order to be able to sleep…if another country pulled garbage like this against a predominantly white population of kids, you’d hear the howling from the Trump regime far and wide (here)…

…and Farron Cousins tells us that the utterly disgusting tax scam of December 2017 is, in a darkly perverse way, the gift that keeps on giving, you might say…

…and when it comes to crackpot economic nonsense, Chris Hayes tells us here that the Gropenfuhrer gave the Medal of Freedom recently to Arthur Laffer (Wharton must be oh-so-proud of this brainless lummox taking up space in An Oval Office)…

...and I guess I'd better work in some summer tunes, so here comes a personal favorite.

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