Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday Stuff

Stephen Colbert gives us his take of sorts on the Gropenfuhrer and the border insanity as well as all of the antics with Iran – as I’ve said before, anyone who had anything whatsoever to do with getting this orange pustule elected should be put in a stockade and pelted with remnants of “Trump Steaks”…

…and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about U.S. House Dems going after Kellyanne Conjob for her Hatch Act violations…

…oh, and the Dems are also trying to keep Generalissimo Trump from making money for his businesses while in office (and no, this wasn’t an actual “thing” before Number 45, as Kyle explains – NSFW)…

…and turning to our beloved commonwealth…sadly, it’s called “Pennsyl-tucky” for a reason, and I’m definitely not referring to Katie Muth here (more here)…

Update 6/29/19: More info is here.

Update 6/30/19: And of course, the program Muth fought for was eliminated (here) - those idiots in the "T" win again.

…and I’m sorry – I try to stay away from “meta” stuff like this, but this is just way too damn funny (All Hail “The Unfairness Algorithm”!!!)…

...and here's a moldy oldie of a summer tune - still works for me, though.

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