Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday Stuff

I’m not sure Will McAvoy could have put it any better (and I don’t think that Jeff Daniels is giving the Dems a pass here either, nor should he but for notable exceptions like AOC and Elizabeth Warren…if the shoe were on the other foot, as it were, Fix Noise would have so many screaming “IMPEACHEMENT!!!” banners moving across the screen leading into their shows that watching them would probably cause motion sickness)…

…actually, though (and speaking of the “I” word), the previously named culprits tossed it around for a hell of a lot less when Number 44 presided at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as this 5/22/17 clip shows (my, how the weak-minded forget, or choose to be idiots...and yep, you guessed it – time once more for the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History”)…

…and Kyle K. tells us about Navy SEALs allegedly committing “shocking acts” in Iraq and the pressure that members of our military faced not to report them, and the embrace those accused ended up receiving from our aforementioned wingnut media and our Tiny Handed, Treasonous Orange Lying Dictator (NSFW – this is truly one of the most depressing stories I’ve heard in a looong time)…

…and Lawrence O’Donnell gives us the latest on Dem U.S. House Rep Katie Porter of CA, who continues to do great work, and Ben “Oreo” Carson…what a truly arrogant SOB this clown is (and believe me when I tell you that, growing up in the Philadelphia suburbs, I had to listen to more than my share of horror stories about Section 8 housing, though NOTHING prevented B’nai B’rith from importing Russian Jews into similar accommodations…not saying one arrangement was preferable to another, but just stating a fact…Lawrence has been slurring his words lately – hope he’s OK)…

…and it looks like this milkshake thing is a trend all of a sudden; yeah, violence is pointless and I don’t approve of this, but damn, it sure is funny sometimes – waste of a good dairy product, though (NSFW at the very end)…

…and yesterday marked the 138th anniversary of the founding of the Red Cross…I’ve found out some questionable stuff concerning this once-esteemed organization which has been under CEO Gail McGovern for a little while now (here), but nothing current…I don’t understand why someone in her position running a nonprofit should be making a mid-six figure salary at a minimum, like this cretin also, but I guess that’s why I’m just a filthy, unkempt liberal blogger…this tune comes to mind (never an excuse not to donate, though, if you have the opportunity).

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