Monday, May 27, 2019

Monday Stuff

I honestly don’t understand what the issue is here with Bernie Sanders – yeah, when it comes to foreign policy (certainly when it comes to these damn wars), I don’t think Sanders has to apologize for a damn thing…

…and Thom Hartmann tells us about Generalissimo Trump trying to go to war with Iran (I almost can’t believe I’m typing these words…I’m hard pressed to give Rand Paul credit for anything whatsoever, but to be fair, I must do so here)…

…and as Farron Cousins reminds us, I think the phrase “double standard” is now officially synonymous with Not Your Father’s Republican Party…

…and since it is Memorial Day after all, I present the following (including this)…

...and happy 74th birthday to Bruce Cockburn, with a tune for the holiday...

…and I’m old enough to remember when Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History once banned any filming or photos of our fallen service members returning to Dover AFB from his Not So Excellent Adventure in Iraq; I know President Hopey Changey reversed that policy to his credit, but God only knows if the Gropenfuhrer has changed it back to the way we had it under Dubya or not…my guess is that he has because he reflexively hates anything having to do with Number 44…if nothing else, this song is a cautionary reminder.

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