Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday Stuff

This story from CBS News marks the 6th anniversary of the Sandy Hook gun slaughter which I alluded to yesterday (and this tells us what has transpired since - of course, as we know, there has been no action on the federal level...but plenty of this, of course)...

...and by including this video, my intention isn't to go for a cheap laugh in response, but, among other things, to point out the utter idiocy of those who resist us the most on this issue (Dan Bongino was dropped by NRA-TV, as Sam Seder tells us...womp-womp)......

...also, Hosni Mubarak Walker signed off on all of that garbage in Wisconsin, which I guess should surprise exactly no one (here and here...and this "new tradition" is coming from one side only, let's not forget)...

…and John Iadarola and Brett Erlich tell us the horrible story of the 7-year-old girl who died in border patrol custody (and yeah, I think this about says it…I glanced at the YouTube comments per John’s request, and many were thoughtful but many were also the typical “bot” hate dreck BS, which isn’t surprising I you honestly think, however, that we'd be having a discussion like this if she were white and well-to-do in, say, Norwich, CT?)…

...and here are a couple of more seasonal tunes ("palate cleanser" time again).

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