Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

It’s funny in a teeth-gnashing kind of way I know to see Generalissimo Trump campaigning for Republicans and calling the Democrats “an angry mob,” as Seth Meyers tells us…hey, at least we’re not leaving pipe bombs sending suspicious packages to with anybody, as noted here

…and Rachel Maddow tells us more about Republicans and dirty electoral tricks (and yeah, our enthusiasm number is good, but based on what the other side’s number is, we can’t take anything for granted)…

…and at this point, I don’t know what else needs to be said – to do something about it, you can find links here and here

…and Kyle tells us that cigarette maker Altria (Marlboro) is in talks to buy a Canadian weed (as in cannabis of course) company…

…and I have to admit that I REALLY messed up on a date that I wanted to get right, and I didn’t; I thought the 60th anniversary of the speech by Edward R. Murrow at the Radio-Television News Director’s Association convention was on 10/25, but it was 10/15…my bad…the speech follows (more here and here – to say it was prescient by somebody who saw the direction this country was going is an understatement…“no law that says dollars will be defeated by duty,” but to try and echo and amplify Murrow, maybe there should be)…

…and if we were to update Murrow’s speech for the current day, I realize we would have to include just about every digital device with a picture screen of any kind, but I thought this tune was still appropriate in the current context.

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