Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday Stuff

Ali Velshi talks with author David Daley and tells us more on PA’s utterly gerrymandered map of voting districts and the PA Supreme Court’s decision to redraw our entire commonwealth (and why is this utterly predictable?)…

…and Rachel Maddow tells us the tale of Charlotte Fedders, someone who is truly heroic in my book for defending herself not just against her monstrously abusive ex-husband, but also for coming to the side of Lisa Fiertein, victimized under similar circumstances by one-time Trump Labor Dept. Head nominee Andy Puzder…

…and in case anything thinks I’m ready to move on from the latest mass shooting, this time in Parkland, FL, I can assure that I’m not; when I hear the phrase "I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment," I want to vomit in my mouth, but I still think this guy deserves credit for this...

…and in a similarly tragic vein, I give you another installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (again, more or less), from 2/23/11, in which Dr. Robert Cowie courageously shared the horrific loss of his daughter Ashley at the hands of a drunken, drugged-up fool with an AK-74 weapon of mass death (more here)…

…and I liked the video that Rachel Reddick put up a little while ago, but this is damn impressive too from Scott Wallace (and a hell of a pedigree too!), also running for the Dem nomination for PA-08 (or whatever the new district will be); great to see two strong Dems emerging to take on Mikey The Beloved’s spineless brother (I had some slim hopes for Bri-Fi, but he flushed them when he sold out for the tax scam of Generalissimo Trump and the two craven life forms running that party from each chamber of Capitol Hill)…

...and happy belated 70th birthday to Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath.

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