Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wednesday Stuff

I’m very aware that, while posting about Generalissimo Trump and his collusion with a foreign hostile power in pursuit of electoral victory, I haven’t been posting as much as I’d like about stuff like the environment, economy, Net Neutrality, what you could call the “last stand” for public education in this country at the hands of the thoroughly execrable Betsy DeVos, Net Neutrality, common-sense gun laws, protecting women’s health and health insurance for the majority of this country overall, etc. etc. etc. And I feel bad about that, but the Trump/Russia stuff is so monumentally awful that I believe it deserves exactly this kind of treatment (and those who did anything whatsoever to aid in the victory of President Impulse Control Issue Tiny-Handed Egomaniac deserve to be pilloried as much as the law and conscience allows).

And with that preface in mind completely, I’d like to turn to this video (a reminder that, as I said, the non-Trump stuff matters greatly also of course)…

…and I apologize a bit for making you endure the human stain that is Steven Arnold King once more, but I would ask that you watch this if for no other reason that for the very end…

…oh, and by the way, Scott Pruitt and the “Gropenfuhrer” are trying to overturn a rule protecting our clean water, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains…

…also, lawmakers in AK have apparently passed a law requiring a woman to get permission from someone who impregnated them to dispose of the fetal remains, which is yet another slide down the slippery legal slope to fetal personhood (yeah, I’m definitely not an expert in the Old Testament, but I have to admit that I think that’s a pretty creepy passage from Numbers also)…

…and a Pew poll indicates that most Republicans are opposed to college, as Kyle tells us – almost no words at this point (NSFW…a little too dismissive of religion as far as I’m concerned, however)…

…and it’s been a little while since I brought you a song from 1967, so here’s another one (yes, this cover was from ’68, but the original was written the year before) – I always thought “The Big Lebowski” was one of the most overrated movies I ever saw…the Coens are great filmmakers, though I personally think they get a bit excessive now and then…maybe just me I know.

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