Monday, July 03, 2017

Monday Stuff

Kudos to those protesting the “Gropenfuhrer,” and I have news for all the “ammo-sexuals” out there; we’re going to KEEP protesting until he is gone, kind of like the way you clowns did everything you could possibly do to undermine Number 44, who was actually elected and re-elected without the help of a foreign hostile power (more here)…

…and God, Governor Bully can’t depart from public life soon enough (here...more here)…

Update 7/4/17: From Pat O'Leary at the "Lower Makefield Is A Great Place To Live" Facebook group - ROFLMAO!

..and David Pakman with more on Generalissimo Trump’s unpopularity overseas…

…and when we’re getting schooled on proper behavior by Jerry Springer, I think it’s safe to say that we’re in the midst of a Kubrickian nightmare…

…and Rachel Maddow tells us more about the typically bogus garbage from our Tiny-Handed Egomaniac-In-Charge and the thoroughly scurrilous Kris Kobach in an effort to intimidate and harass Democratic voters (and when even Republican states can see through this charade, that’s when it’s time to say “oops” and get out - more here)…

…and I guess it’s safe to say that we all need a little “down time” now and then, don’t we? And if you want to consider this a rebuke to Christie, fine with me.

Note: There's currently an issue in Chrome with MSNBC's videos, probably because they're not accessible from an https connection. All other environments are fine as nearly as I can tell. If I find out anything else or come up with a workaround, I'll let you know.

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