Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday Stuff

Leave it to Samantha Bee to sum up the prior week of Rethuglican garbage, specifically on Trump/Ryan/McConnell-Scam-Care (here - NSFW)…

(Speaking of health care, I thought this was a GREAT article about what went wrong with the recent attempt by California to go single-payer; basically, it would have entailed a lot of legislative sausage-making that those who lament SP’s demise fail to acknowledge, to say nothing of CA residents remaining vigilant against the slew of attack ads from the usual corporate suspects.)

…turning to Generalissimo Trump, I believe that whatever eventually comes after us will find recordings of this era in whatever form, and when they come across K.O.’s “Resistance” videos, the former ESPN commentator will be viewed as one of the few among us who truly knew the danger we ended up inflicting on ourselves last year and the ruinous consequences (and no, I don’t absolve Democrats with that remark)…

…and Lawrence O’Donnell speaks with Wendy Sherman, Annie Karni and Ana Marie Cox about the latest Trumpian garbage, which of course is more gaslighting when you get right down to it to try and divert attention, for some reason, probably having to do with the Robert Mueller stuff…and anyone who thinks that “President” Bannon doesn’t have a hand in this is truly too stoo-pid for words…

…and don’t look now, but there’s a possibility that the AUMF may be relegated to the dust bin of history, with the able help of Dem U.S. House Rep Barbara Lee, the only person in that body who saw the danger behind it when it was originally passed (more here)…

…and I didn’t say much about that garbage ad from Dana Loesch yesterday, but luckily Sam Seder did here (and more on that guttersnipe Peter Schweizer is here)…

…and I know I’m a little behind on this story on the PA radio personality who quit for not showing proper deference to the “Gropenfuhrer,” but here is John of TYT to tell us more (note to self: never listen to WTPA...and yeah, I know about the political bent of media management, but last I checked, the public airwaves were PUBLIC)…

…and yeah, as long as we’re still discussing President Fergus Laing, Nicolle Wallace gave what I thought was some really nice push-back here (re, the Mika stuff), but all you'll ever hear from too many Repugs on this (including women) is the sound of grass growing, unfortunately...

…and Keith Richards had a little run-in with the law 50 years ago yesterday (here), leading to his quote about “petty morals” (just reporting, not commenting on it, which is an excuse for the following tune).

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