Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday Stuff

K.O. gives us the latest on how Generalissimo Trump intends to bring our corporate media to heel – of course, that bunch is about halfway compromised already on balance, but President Big Orange Cheetoh is still sliding us into anarchy on that front too (and good job to remind us of the “Jeff Gannon” and Armstrong Williams garbage under Former Commander Codpiece)…

…and Robert Reich brings us the first 100 days of "The Resistance Agenda"…

…aided in part by the “Justice Democrats” movement initiated by Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinski (more here)…

…and Chris Hayes talks with Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood over President Big Orange Cheetoh reviving the utterly cruel and ruinous “Mexico City” policy, especially with the harsh new stuff in this latest version about Zika and more (but oh, those “family values” Repugs love the children oh so very much – and it’s almost Kubrickian…word?...to contemplate that that mean ol’ nasty Number 44, allegedly president of all of those welfare cheats, was the one who lowered abortion rates for real, while this latest garbage from “Donald Drumpf” will drive them back up again)…

…also, Rachel Maddow starts with telling us about the B2 bomber and ends with Generalissimo Trump’s declaration about taking Iraq’s oil and hinting ominously that "we may get another chance" (basically, we should do all we can to support our military of course, but to be honest, after watching this, I don’t think anyone should enlist in the Army or Marines until after this monster is impeached and forcibly removed from office)…

…and the one and only Warren Zevon would have been 70 today (I may feature at least one other tune this week).

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