Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday Stuff

K.O. has the right prescription for covering President Tiny Hands Clueless Egomaniac as far as I’m concerned (and bonus points for mentioning Johnny Carson character Floyd R. Turbo – you can Google it…and K.O. puts out there a truly dreaded Trumpian nightmare, which, tragically, is not beyond his capability whatsoever)…

…and Rachel Maddow brings us the latest public policy polling on you-know-who (as always, there’s about 30 percent of this country that will support anything from Dear Leader and oppose anything from those lazy, good-for-nothing, welfare-and-gay-and-minority-loving Democrats – removing my tongue from my cheek)…

…and I know we’ve been through a lot of this stuff by now, but I thought Seth Meyers had a nice take on all of the “alternative facts” stuff related to our current regime (though, to be serious, Trump’s speech to the CIA “spooks” was truly insulting, saying all of that in what is a hallowed place, though I'm sure Fergus Laing is too dumb and egotistical to understand that)…

…and RIP Butch Trucks of The Allman Brothers Band.

Update 1/27/17: Ugh - just prayers for him and family and friends...

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