Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Stuff

(Hat tip to Kriston Capps and John Fugelsang on Twitter for the pic, which speaks volumes as far as I'm concerned)

Such charming life forms you’re likely to meet at a rally for “Donald Drumpf,” of course (here)…

…and as noted here, the proverbial beat goes on (and at this point, you'd have to be a stone-cold moron to think that Trump is actually telling the truth about anything whatsoever, but unfortunately, there are a lot of them in this country - just refresh if video doesn't appear immediately)…

(Oh, and by the way, I know I should stay off Facebook until the election is over, but some of the stuff I’m seeing in support of “Fergus Laing” is so weak as to be almost laughable, such as, well, Trump has acted like an utter pig towards women and demonized Hispanics and Muslims and proven to be utterly inept on the world stage largely because of his pathological behavior and unbelievable stupidity…but he once paid for helicopters to get our troops out of Desert Storm, or something – paraphrasing of course…)

…which of course perfectly ties into what the true “owners” of the Republican Party (think Rupert Murdoch) really want…

…and isn’t this just too precious? House Repugs not even bothering to wait for HRC to win before they talk about how they’re going to obstruct everything she tries to do…

…and closer to home, to support Steve Santarsiero for Congress, click here

…and I’m sure this song will be really popular tomorrow night.

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